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Do you Know...?

Blockage starting to build-up as young as 10 years old (Autopsy done on children).

The blockage is usually causes by a build-up of fatty deposits called plaque.
The blood vessel wall thicken and harden, this can make the passageway for blood too narrow or can completely block it.


"Brain Attack", also known as STROKE have similar symptom and issue as Heart Attack has.

When blood supply cannot reach the brain, the brain will not function well hence causes the Brain Attack.
According to statistic, every 1 out of 6 people have the potential to have Stroke.
Stroke happen because of the plaque build-up in the blood vessel.
People are neglected the seriousness of this problem.
Believe it or not, Stroke is No3 critical disease and cause of death in the world.
 #DanshenPlus provide better solution.
Danshen Plus capable to not only REMOVE but also help PREVENTING the plaque from build-up.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS refer to hardening plaque and narrowing of the arteries which silently and slowly blocks arteries by putting blood flow at risk.

It’s the usual cause of Heart Attacks, Strokes, and Peripheral Vascular Disease.
Together they are called CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES.

To avoid having such diseases,
#DanshenPlus can help removing plaque and prevent blockage in the arteries.
Fatty Liver literally means your liver fills with fat, paving the path for chronic diseases and inflammation.
There are 2 types of Fatty Liver :-
i- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. (AFLD)
ii- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. (NAFLD)

The most common in the world is NAFLD which happen because of the sugar and carbohydrate we took daily.
Sugar switch on fat production in your liver, creating an internal process called lipogenesis, which is your body's normal response to sugar.
Therefore, sugar, especially fructose, become the CHIEF CAUSE of the liver disease and the leading cause of liver transplants.
#DanshenPlus able to reducing and manage the risk mention.
When consuming, Danshen will help improving our blood circulation make the liver function more smoother.
Not only that, it will also help protecting liver cells and re-generate liver cell.

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